Archive | January, 2013

Lurching from Conference to Conference

29 Jan


How do I explain my lack of posting since RWA conference in August 2012? No idea. I’ve been busy? Writing? Doing other things? Doing both? Dealing with life? Yes. All of the above.

The best things about RWA Conference are too many to mention (and let’s just say I’m still wading through all the free books I got. Who knew we’d get so many? Apparently everyone who wasn’t a conference newbie.)

In short, I made great friends, became a groupie and stalked my newfound hero/author Pamela Morsi, who was so sweet about my stalker-y ways. I had requests for my manuscript and have been feverishly reworking my novel after realising at conference that major changes were needed. So huge kudos to the amazing writers whom I learned so much from and gave me the strength to kill (some of) my darlings to rework my novel into a better product.

Now I’m gearing up for the SoCalRWA Writers’ Conference in March and it’s galvanized me to complete my rewrite in time to pitch again at conference. Can’t wait!

And I’m excited to have found a critique partner – Celia Lucente – who by default has kicked my arse into posting on my blog again today. Finally. So excited about 2013 and my novel!